Recipe preparation

  • 1Dice the kuri squash and bacon into small cubes. (keep a few pieces of bacon for the garnish).
  • 2Halve the chestnuts. Place the ingredients in the cooking recipient. Season with pepper.
  • 3Cover the ingredients with water up to the half-way point of the recipient, add 4 sprigs of parsley and the broken up chicken stock. Close the pressure cooker.
  • 4Press Pressure and position the pressure button to Pressure. Start cooking by pressing the Start/Stop button and cook for 9 minutes.
  • 5Stir the soup and serve with the rest of the bacon pieces, grilled, and the chopped parsley.
  • 6If the soup is too thick, stir in 1 cup of stock or warm milk. Add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder at the start of cooking and serve the soup with thin slices of toasted gingerbread.
  • 7If you have raw chestnuts, score their skin and cook for 10 minutes, covered with water, press Pressure and position the pressure button to Pressure.

Chestnut and kuri squash soup with bacon and parsley

Side dish / Starter
Réalisé avec Crea Cook

Recipe preparation

  • 1Dice the kuri squash and bacon into small cubes. (keep a few pieces of bacon for the garnish).
  • 2Halve the chestnuts. Place the ingredients in the cooking recipient. Season with pepper.
  • 3Cover the ingredients with water up to the half-way point of the recipient, add 4 sprigs of parsley and the broken up chicken stock. Close the pressure cooker.
  • 4Press Pressure and position the pressure button to Pressure. Start cooking by pressing the Start/Stop button and cook for 9 minutes.
  • 5Stir the soup and serve with the rest of the bacon pieces, grilled, and the chopped parsley.
  • 6If the soup is too thick, stir in 1 cup of stock or warm milk. Add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder at the start of cooking and serve the soup with thin slices of toasted gingerbread.
  • 7If you have raw chestnuts, score their skin and cook for 10 minutes, covered with water, press Pressure and position the pressure button to Pressure.

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